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In-Home Family Support Program

 In-Home Family Support Program

This program is designed to aid families that are near the point of collapse. We provide a range of services to help families reach goals to create a home that is safe and stable.

Our focus includes caring for the spiritual, academic, family, and emotional needs of each family.

This program operates throughout the state of Mississippi.

In-Home services reduce the likelihood that children will be placed into state custody.

Education and Training                                                      

  • Child-rearing and appropriate discipline 
  • Household budgeting
  • Shopping and meal planning
  • Household safety
  • Vocational training                      





Case Manager Assistance                                  

  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Childcare
  • Employment Readiness





Make a Referral 

Director of In-Home Family Support Program 

Sergio Trejo

Learn More Contact