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BCV News

VBS Name Tags, Mission Projects & More

As you make your plans for a fun and enriching VBS, The Baptist Children's Village would love to be a part of your plan.   We have three ways for you to connect with us.


FREE VBS Name tags.  We have two designs one to compliment the Lifeway theme and the other is more generic  to go with any curriculum you are using.  You can place your order via our website or use the enclosed card.  Deadline to order is April 30, 2014. We will have them distributed to you in plenty of time for your Vacation Bible School.  

 Secret Agent Theme                                                                               


Generic Theme                                         


INVITE a BCV Speaker. You can invite one of our staff to come and share about the mission of The Baptist Children's Village before, during or at the close of your VBS week.  We will make every effort to accommodate your needs and schedule. 

PLAN a mission project.  We have a few needs that  if you choose you can easy use as a mission project your VBS group and/or your entire church this summer.  Please indicate on the enclosed card if you do plan to rally your children around one or both of these projects.  We can arrange for delivery to one of our seven campuses closest to you.

Collect Paper Products

Paper Towels
Toilet/Facial Tissue
Garbage Bags (13 & 30 Gallon)

Collect Pantry Staples

Canned Fruits/Vegetables
Biscuit Mix             


Please contact, Celeste Cade by email or 601-952-2422  if you have questions or need further assistance.